Use Task Cards for Havoc Math Relay Game

Use Task Cards for Havoc Math Relay Game; shows Havoc Relay recording sheet with task cards and pencil

Task cards are great to use with your students. They have many uses. 

Task cards can be used for

warm ups
math centers
early finishers
exit tickets

Yep, you read that right. GAMES!

I loved pairing my students up for a relay game involving task cards that I called Havoc Relays. The kids were able to work together to solve math problems, move around every once in awhile, do a bit of talking, and enjoy math.

Warning: If you don't like a bit of chaos in your room, this will not be the game for you.

Materials for Havoc Relays:

☑ set or 2 of task cards - If you don't have task cards, then you can write math problems on index cards.
☑ paper for work & answers
☑ pencil

Use Task Cards for a Math Relay Game; Havoc Relay recording sheet with task cards and pencil

Use Task Cards for Havoc Math Relay Game; cover for Dividing Decimals Havoc Relay Game

Before the Havoc Game Begins:

☑ Pair up your students and have their desks next to each other.
☑ Place task cards in various places in the room.
☑ Decide on an amount of time to play. (Students do not need to complete all of the problems.)

How to Play Havoc Relay Game:

☑ On your "go", one person from each team will get up and retrieve a task card. They take it back to their partner and both solve the problem. 
☑ Once they agree on an answer, the next person takes the card back and gets a new card they have not completed.
☑ This continues until time is up.
☑ Check answers after your time is up to see how the teams did.
☑ Provide a reward if you want.

Your students will love this game and won't mind doing math because they

✎ can move around
✎ can talk a bit
✎ get to play a game
✎ will have a partner for some confidence

➨ Don't have time to make task cards?

Get Pre-made Havoc Relay Task Cards in my store! Some do include digital task cards. I am in the process of adding a digital set of task cards to each one.
Use Task Cards for Havoc Math Relay Game; cover for Add & Subtract Integers Havoc Relay Task Cards

You can find other math game ideas in the posts linked below.
 Zap Some Excitement into Math
 Musical Chairs with Task Cards
 Cake Walk Math Style

Use Task Cards for Havoc Math Relay Game; shows recording sheet & task cards from Dividing Decimals Havoc